
Volunteering: Supporting Our Communities

todayOctober 20, 2020 217 1


by Abby Zetlin, Finance Coordinator, PIR

Volunteerism is the backbone of our community — it’s what helps our world go ‘round. At a time when many people are facing so much uncertainty and hardship, we need to celebrate those who donate their time and energy in support of mission-driven organizations.

I have seen the impact volunteers make every day – whether it’s providing mentorship, supporting a local food bank, or helping with disaster relief. When times are tough, volunteers step up and make things better for those in the communities they serve.  

Lending a helping hand and giving back not only provides a sense of accomplishment, but it also allows others to mirror your efforts and get involved. This act of kindness turns into a widespread selfless movement that connects us through our humanity and communities.

So much in the world is unknown and negative right now, and I’ve found that volunteering with organizations that fight for causes close to the heart brings myself and my family pure joy.

The 2020 .ORG Impact Awards are celebrating outstanding volunteers by recognizing impactful individuals who give so much of their time and effort to significant causes.

.ORGs together create a community; a family, and families support each other through everything. I’m excited to honor the volunteers who stand by and support the organizations they work with.

Please join myself and PIR in celebrating amazing volunteers and inspirational organizations during the 10 Days of .ORG beginning on November 30th. Learn more at

Written by: oia2020prod

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